
ImGui is a very embeddable library because it abstracts things like drawing to the screen and creating windows to its backends. There are many official backends, but currently CImGui.jl only supports the GLFW/OpenGL3 backend. Other popular backends like SFML and SDL could be added in the future if someone should invest time to make these packages work.


Set the backend to use. Currently supported backends are:

  • :GlfwOpenGL3 (GLFW/OpenGL3, requires ModernGL.jl and GLFW.jl)
render(ui::Function, ctx::Ptr{lib.ImGuiContext}; kwargs...)

Top-level function to call a renderloop implemented by the backend selected by set_backend(). This function will not return until the program exits, either by the user closing the window or ui() returning :imgui_exit_loop. It will also not yield the loop, though you may explicitly call yield() in ui().


Positional arguments:

  • ui: The function to execute in the renderloop. This where all the GUI code with calls to CImGui should go.
  • ctx: The ImGui context to use. Note that DestroyContext() will automatically be called on it at the end of the renderloop, so it will be unusable afterwards.

Keyword arguments:

  • hotloading=true: Enable calling the latest version of ui() using @invokelatest. This is handy when using Revise.jl.

  • on_exit::Union{Function, Nothing}=nothing: A destructor/finalizer function that will be called before destroying ctx. This might be useful if you're using some external library that needs to be cleaned up in a certain order.

  • clear_color=Cfloat[0.45, 0.55, 0.60, 1.00]: The color of the window background. This can also be a Ref{Vector{Cfloat}} if you want to control the color dynamically (see the official demo for an example).

  • window_size=(1280, 720): The initial size of the window.

  • window_title="CImGui": The window title.

  • engine=nothing: An optional ImGuiTestEngine.Engine instance. If there are any tests registered with the test engine they will be queued and run automatically.

  • opengl_version::VersionNumber=v"3.2": The OpenGL version to use.

  • wait_events=false: Set to true to call GLFW.WaitEvents() instead of GLFW.PollEvents() (only supported for the GLFW/OpenGL backend).

  • spawn::Union{Bool, Integer, Symbol}=1: How/where to spawn the renderloop. It defaults to thread 1 for safety, but note that currently Julia also uses thread 1 to run the libuv event loop: #50643. The renderloop does yield() on each iteration but it's still likely to hog thread 1 which may cause libuv things like task switching to become slower. In most cases this is unlikely to be a problem, but keep it in mind if you observe IO/task heavy things being slower than you'd expect.

    Possible values are:

    • true: a thread will automatically be chosen, preferring the :interactive threadpool.
    • false: don't spawn a task at all. The caller is reponsible for disabling task migration etc.
    • An Integer: the task will be pinned to this thread ID.
    • :default/:interactive: the task will be pinned to an arbitrary thread in the threadpool.

    Only thread 1 is sure to be portable across platforms, do otherwise at your own risk. See also:

  • wait::Bool=true: Block until the spawned renderloop task exits.
