This package provides a Julia language wrapper for cimgui: a thin C wrapper programmatically generated for the excellent C++ immediate mode gui Dear ImGui. Dear ImGui is mainly for creating content creation tools and visualization / debug tools. You could browse Gallery to get an idea of its use cases.
These docs were generated against this upstream Dear ImGui version:
julia> import CImGui as ig
julia> ig.imgui_version()
pkg> add CImGui
You will probably also want to add the necessary packages for one of the backends. Currently we only support OpenGL3/GFLW, so you'd need:
pkg> add ModernGL, GLFW
Note that you don't have to explicitly use these packages, but they must be installed and loaded because the backend renderloop is a package extension that requires them.
How to start
1. Run demo/demo.jl
to test whether the official demo works at all
julia> import CImGui, ModernGL, GLFW
julia> include(joinpath(pathof(CImGui), "..", "..", "demo", "demo.jl"))
julia> official_demo()
2. Run examples/demo.jl
and browse demos in the examples
folder to learn how to use the API
julia> import CImGui, ModernGL, GLFW
julia> include(joinpath(pathof(CImGui), "..", "..", "examples", "demo.jl"))
julia> julia_demo()
All of these examples are one-to-one ported from Dear ImGui's C++ examples and there is an interactive manual for quickly locating the code. You could also run ?
to retrieve docs:
help?> CImGui.Button
Button(label) -> Bool
Button(label, size) -> Bool
Return true when the value has been changed or when pressed/selected.
3. Your first GUI \o/
Note that all ImGui widgets should run within CImGui.Begin()
, if not, a crash is waiting for you. For example, directly running CImGui.Button("My button")
in REPL will crash Julia. That being said, here's how a quick example of how to use the default backend to draw a little GUI:
julia> import CImGui as ig, ModernGL, GLFW
julia> ig.set_backend(:GlfwOpenGL3)
julia> ctx = ig.CreateContext()
julia> ig.render(ctx; window_size=(360, 480), window_title="ImGui Window") do
ig.Begin("Hello ImGui")
if ig.Button("My Button")
@info "Triggered"
Note that neither ImGui nor OpenGL are thread-safe, and because of this CImGui.render()
will pin the renderloop to thread 1 by default (see the docstring for more information).
The API provided in this package is as close as possible to the original C++ API. When translating C++ code to Julia, please follow the tips below:
- Replace
if you've runimport CImGui as ig
). using CImGui.lib
to import all of theImGuiXXX
types into the current namespace.- Member function calling should be translated in Julia style:
=>ig.AddFont(fonts, cfg)
. - [
using CImGui.CSyntax
] provides two useful macros:@c
for translating C's&
operator on immutables and@cstatic
-block for emulating C'sstatic
As mentioned before, this package aims to provide the same user experience as the original C++ API, so any high-level abstraction should go into a more high-level package. Redux.jl
might be of interest to you if you're looking for state management frameworks.
For writing tests you can use ImGuiTestEngine.jl.